It was the second last day of 2009 and what a better way to end the year but with a ripper day out at Perth Zoo, with me old mates Lilly n' Jacky Rissole and their mob.
Our first section was the aussie bit, and here is our own little aussie Harrison.
Here's Harrison having a chat with a kangaroo, the roo was saying something like 'You talking to me!... you talking to me!'
An Emu.
Here's me favourite little animal, a ripper Tazzie Devil.
And here is a mob of Numbats.....
Ain't they a beaut little rat hay, okay it's a Numbat but their not much bigger then a rat.
One of these are cute, cuddly, pretty and loves a good fight, the other is a nutbat!
What a bunch of wombats.
Harrison with a huge Elephant in the background, this is in the African area (my favourite section of the zoo).
Hay this fella's face rings a bell.....'Dad is that YOU'.
Two African rhinos having a rest come to thing of it, they might have a job on the council!
Here's a Girafe and a zebra having a chat.
And here's the Girafe having a feed.... Hay by the way did you hear the one about the Girafe that went into a bar for a drink, and the Barman said ' hay mate why the long face' ha,ha.... sorry.
And here is Sarah trying to get her hand bitten off by a Perentie, which is a big lizard that lives in the central Aussie Desert. If you look real hard you can see it's little head, just away from Sarah's hand.
The Zoo's Carousel.
Here's Sarah and Harrison on the Carousel at the Zoo, Sarah wasn't to impressed but Harry loved it.
Jacko on his horse on the Carousel can't wait this I use this photo at his 21st, poor little sod. But that was our trip around Perth Zoo with our best mates Lilly,Jacky,Lachlan and Tyson. And to top it off we had a ripper day weather wise, so all round a beaut day out.