As you might of noticed we have been following that aussie sheilah Jessica Watson, who is hoping to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe. And so far she has just past the half way mark and is doing a bloody beaut job, but now out of the blue another young sheilah has joined the race. She's a yank by the name Abby Sunderland who has just left (seven days ago) Del Rey Yacht Club in Los Angeles, on her yacht named Wild Eyes which has just passed Catalina Island and is heading due south.
This is a photo of Wild Eyes leaving the Del Rey Yacht Club on it's way around the world, but getting away from the boat who is this young All-American Girl. Well she was born and bread a Thousand Oaks girl, which is just up the road from the Yacht club that she left from. She's now 16 and if she beats Jessica's record (if she get's the record) she will become the youngest person to do the trip, and that trip isn't just a walk in the park. Fairdinkum can you imagine being in this little boat in the middle of so much friggin' water!
Now as for the yacht that Abby has chosen to do this mad trip, it's known as a Open 40, solo sailboat which was built in 2001. Wild Eyes was specifically designed for single-handed sailing in the Southern Ocean, it has the benefit of both speed and safety necessary to navigate the conditions Abby will experience in the Southern Ocean. The Designer was a mob called Jutson Yacht Design and guess what, it was built in the land down under that's right it's a friggin' Aussie. So if she does beat our Jessica in the race, at least we can feel a bit better knowing that her boat was beaten by an aussie.
I'll say one thing but.... what is going on with our young sheilahs these days! When I was a boy of 16 (here we go) I received a commodore 64 computer and I was in heaven, but somehow I can't see how that can compare with a sailing trip around the friggin' WORLD! Strewth what's in the bloody water these days, but fairdinkum these sheilahs must have balls hay. Can you imagine the waves down below south America and of cause Cape Town in Africa, bugger that Jessica just went threw there and had four friggin' Knock Downs. Now for those who don't really know sailing nautical talk, a knockdown is when your boat is turned upside down... strewth! Of cause I know all this because i'm an old salt of the sea and yes I have been over seas.... once I took the Stockton Ferry, and believe me that Hunter river can be bloody rough at times! But good luck to these sheilahs and you can see where Abby's going by just having a gander at Jessica's map on our blog, her route is the one in yellow (yellow boat yellow map route.... join the dot's will ya). And let's just hope both sheilahs get back to there home port.