It was a beaut barmy saturday morning when we threw the bikes into the boot, and set out for a days riding the BMX tracks up in the hills. Technically speaking Perth only really has
But he wasn't the only casualty for the day as one after the other little nevilles kissed the dirt, mainly the little fella Harrison who seems to spend more time face in the dirt then friggin' riding.
Then again.... then again..... and again, poor little sod but the loves it so lets just hope he gets a bit better!
Then it was time for the little princess to become a 'accident statistic' as she came-a-gutser with a ripper crash, as she went over the hump she just come to a sudden stop! That's when we found out that the hump was washed out, but she didn't find out until she went over... ha,ha poor little sod. Okay during the video you might hear me laughing in the background, but fairdinkum I might of laughed but I laughed compassionately!!!
And for the record after heaps of stacks and falls, the little fella finally got his first jump. As you can see his frount wheel is just of the dirt, so officially that is his very first jump.... okay it mightn't look that massive but to the little fella HIS A LEGEND!
Then we drove into the bush a bit further and came to a little town called Wooroloo, and fairdinkum it had the best BMX track that I have ever seen. Funny because the town it self only has about twenty houses, but the best track that we have found so far in Perth. Jacko had a ripper time giving it his all in the jumps, as the other little nevilles just poped about the place. But that was it for the day as the sun started to set, but it was a beaut time and i'm sure that we will differently be coming back to this track.