On a barmy saturday arvo I poped four of the nevilles into the commodore, and it was time to hit our second Swan Districts match this year. For anyone who doesn't know Swan Districts is our local Aussie Rules footy side, and we try to get to as many matches that we can. See when you get a average crowd of two and a half thousand swanies supporters to each match, then y
When it comes to the end of a Quarter you and the kiddies can come onto the field, and muck around kicking and passing about. Here is Sarah about to give the burley a boot!
What ya reckon a future Swanie in the making, well he does have the head of a footballer!
During the second Quarter we were winning but just by a kick (six points), and not looking to flash with a few players looking worse for wear. The kiddies got out on the field and mucked around, heres Harrison going down in a beaut textbook tackle by the notsolittle
I have a little deal with the kiddies that if there not mucking about to much during the gam
As for the match the Swans went down quicker then a pie at a butchers picnic, the Lions went on to win by four goals with a score of
Subiaco Lions 18 10 (110)
Swan Disticts 13 18 (96)
If only the swans could of kicked a bit more straight, but theres always another match coming up hay.
Oh well theres always next week hay.
By the way since then the Swanies have lifted themselves up the ladder. And now are coming second with six wins and two loses, with a ripper win last weekend beating Peel Thunder by 106 points... crikey!