(I wanted a younger photo for ya, but theirs only so much Photo shop can do!)
Strewth 80 years old and you don't look a day over 79! Happy birthday old fella and you know Age is something that doesn’t really matter, unless you are a block of cheese. You know inside every old person is a younger person – wondering what the hell happened. So lets go back to those younger days (thank God for Google)....
So it starts in a cold winterly Singleton morning when a happy youthful William walks inside so see his better half, leaning over the sink bringing up her lunch... then turning to William and said I think i'm pregnant! William turns and walks into the bathroom and looks into the mirror, then notices a little hair drop out.... IT HAD STARTED! Not much longer after that terrible night a little Victor had come into their lives, William smiled and looked at a youthful Ina and said 'Well thats the only one we'll have'. What they didn't know was they would go on to have all up five kiddies in nine years (only a bloody idiot would do that! Doah!), and of cause the last little neville Dessie would finish it all off... fourteen years latter.

It was a beautiful 1930... Betty Boop premieres in the animated film "Dizzy Dishes" (Yes their was movies back then), and Agatha Christie publishes The Murder at the Vicarage. The Mercedes-Benz 770 is First Produced and would continue until young Vic becomes 13, also it was the 2nd Academy Awards (missed the first one by 'that much'), the Germans elected Adolf Hitler (bugger) and on a nicer note Ray C

Also Will Rogers starts broadcasting The Will Rogers Program on radio, and the 1,046 feet (319 meters) tall Chrysler Building in New York (tallest man-made structure at the time) opens to the public. The Prime Minister was James Scullin and we had a King on the throne King George V, and during the Ashes series in England at Leeds a young fella scored a century before lunch. Then went on to add another century

But getting back to the little fella Victor he would be the first of a big mob of Paul's, running around in the outskirts of Scot's Flat farm. He was joined by Bill then Errol and Colin and the little sheilah of the mob Carmel, followered by the surprise pocketrocket young Dessie. What a great time that mob must of had back at the farm, but all good things have to come to an end and thats when young Victor married Maureen. You could just imagine his dad William smiling to himself thinking (sucker), and it wasn't that long after when his better half Maureen, leaning o
Soon after a little Phillip came into the world followed by a little Mark and a sister Debra, all in four years there was no stopping them. Then five years latter along came a little Vicki then three years latter a little ripper fella by the name of Carl, and that was it! So they thought... but somehow out of the blue came the news that the misses was up the duff AGAIN! Screamed the soon-to-become-older-Dad Victor, and with that along came sweet little Jodi ooohhhh. And officially it was the last day of his hair!
But somehow he has made it to a massive innings of 80 so good on ya old fella, yeah you might be old and at your age your back might go out more often then you do. But when you sit down and conceder the alternative, I think you'll take another birthday with happiness and to be fair dinkum the statistics show that the people who have the most Birthdays live the longest. So with that I want to wish ya a happy birthday old mate and i'll leave you with a little saying...
The best birthdays of all are those that haven’t arrived yet.