On a drive up into the mountains (okay one hill but it's a big hill!) of Perth's hinterland, we past through Kalamunda on our way to the History Village when we came apon a town fair. So after parking the commodore we had a gander at Kalamunda's Fair. Here's little chook with a little chook! I tell you what my kiddies are great chock catchers, there was no little 'Oh don't hurt them' or 'Be careful with the little things', as the poor little unsuspecting chook ran by then suddenly 'Bang' in a sec it was grabbed slung around and picked up all in a second.
Now you might have a gander at this photo and say 'Oh what a brave little boy' but fairdinkum he was shitting himself, the little fella just hates these animals! He's starting to get use to the goats but he hates CHICKENS!
Hairy little thing and it loves to eat fairdinkum it never stopped eating out our hands, and by the way the goat seemed to eat heaps too!
Then we walked down to the end of the fair and had heaps of goes on the bouncy castle, thats the thing when you have a tight ass dad. If you pay for a little go then you better get every bump out of that castle, but when it's free... well then you can just jump to your hearts content.
They had little kiddies doing the Christmas thing up on stage, you know all that Jesus is born.... three wise men and manger stuff.
And if you have Christmas stuff going on all over the place, then you know the fat bloke in the red suit isn't far away. And guess what the nevilles found him and so off we go on another photo opportunity, 'Ho Ho yeah we know it's bloody Christmas time again' yeah yeah....
And to finish it off we had an icecream a nice cold drink and then it was back to the car, so i'll tell ya about the History Village next post. Because between you and me i'm all POSTED OUT!
So see ya latter and oh yeah 'Marry Christmas'... strewth is it that time of year AGAIN!!! (Bar-humbug)