It's that time of year again when I grab four nevilles and a packed lunch and head to Cottesloe Beach, to rub shoulders with the upper class lot and gander at some weird sculptures. That's right it's Sculptures by the sea time again where the kiddies wonder about looking at
Usually I try to tell you all about the sculpture and it's name, but unfortunately I haven't been able to come across this info so i'll just have to wing-it! As for this sculpture sadly I can't even do that.... i've got no friggin' idea w
But as for this one yes I do know what it is and I do know it's name, it's called 'Subterfuge' why..... i've got no friggin' idea but I know it's name because it was recycled from this event at Bondi 2009.
and here's another one that rings a bell in the old scone that's the old gem the Hills Hurst clothes line, but as for the tree branches up top.... well I guess that's what you call ART!
Now this one is my type of stuff and I can really get into this one it's just some steel thing, and the kiddies got right into it ..... well yeah right into it and layed down, 'you little buggers get out of their' but wait till I get the photo first!
Now this one is pretty cool hay I told the kiddies to get under the one that they most like, so we have a pig a horse and a couple of goats SAY NO MORE!
This is properly called 'Wadjamacallit' because well it looks just like a wadjamacallit!
So now this is the sixth year that this event has been going and it seams to be growing into a main draw card for Cottesloe and Perth, this year there was more than 60 artists from here and overseas and as you can see not a bad mob turned up to have a stickybeak.
But all good things have to come to an end and so as the sunsets on yet another Sculptures by the sea, the kiddies are worn out and the old mans had enough for a day (trust me) thank God it's only once a year. But i'm sure we'll be out doing something different next weekend with the nevilles giving me hell again.... don't ya just love it!