Well before we hit the water park I took the little nevilles over to the BMX bike jumps, that were just built next door to the water park. Of cause the poor little fella Oscar couldn't give it a go, as he's not into his bike riding yet but give him some time. Here's Sarah giving it a go and for a sheilah she's not bad hay, but give her credit where credit's due..... she is really a bloke!
But even the best of blokes come off... poor little sod, but when one of the nevilles come off I use the same tactic for each one. I ask them if they can walk? if so then no problem, I just say something nice and encouraging to them like 'Tell ya story walking pal' or 'Dry ya eye's princess', and get them back on that bike so as not to let them give up..... a good thing to learn in life hay.
Go Jacko he just loves giving it his all and hes not at all scared on these dirt jumps, and he really loves trying to get his old bike up in the air.
But all things that go up must come down and sometimes as you come back do
And another one over 'You little beauty'.
And another as Jacko bites the dirt ha,ha,
Another one bites the dust.... ooooohhhh 'Suck it up princess'
But i'll tell ya one thing you just don't get tried of watching the little ones coming off, fairdinkum I think I laughed just as much watching the first ones as I did this last one! ha,ha,ha