What a little ripper of a water park Ellenbrook has just open up, and it got the thumbs up by the little nevilles too. We packed the bikes as well as the picnic this time, and dr
We got up their nice and early so as to miss most of the sun and the mad mob of little scally
Now seeing there was nobody else around the Park I let the nevilles ride there bikes around the water park, and of cause give the little mugs an inch and before I knew it they were racing each other through the water sprinklers.
Hasn't Harrison just taken to the bike like Tartare sauce to fish n' chips! Only just a few months early he was on his training wheels, and now his a friggin' Daredevil! Fairdinkum if you ever get to watch this little fella on his bike, he gives anything a go and most of the time he ends up on his arse.
And of cause anything that the boys can do she can do BETTER... is the motto of my little princess, whom i'm sure one day will deferentially gonna kill me. She's just too much like her brothers (God help me) once she gets the hang of something, she just goes straight at it with everything shes got.
And here is me little angel hanging out with her mate, and I bet he can't wait for the chance to get out their with his brothers.
And while the others do their Daredevil riding around, Oscar just had a ball wetting them with his water gun. He loved the water jets and of cause getting wet, and if you watch the videos you'll see he loves just getting in the way. How he didn't get run over at least a han
But not always does the rides go the way the kiddies want them to go, and of cause thats the best videos hay and they didn't really hurt themselves that much. Nothing that some ice-cream, Dettol n' a band-aid couldn't fix up, but until they get home it's just the 'get up and get back on mate' atturtude in our mob.
But while all the mob were falling over themselves one little neville just hung back and shot them with water.... On ya Oss! So after getting soaked it was time to ride the bikes over to Ellenbrooks new bike track, but that will be in our next post as we have just about run out of time.... see ya.